
What Do Fans Really Think of Detective Rollins' Sister?


There are a lot of interesting characters on 'Law & Order: SVU', and Detective Amanda Rollins’ sister Kim is definitely one of them.

Published on March 21, 2020

2 min read

There are a lot of interesting characters on Law & Order: SVU and Detective Amanda Rollins’ (Kelli Giddish) sister Kim (Lindsay Pulsipher) is definitely one of them. She’s put her sister through a lot, that’s for sure and fans have strong opinions about her. Read on to learn what they think of Kim Rollins.

Who is Kim Rollins?

Kim is Det. Rollins’ troubled sister. She has a history of mental illness, is known to date abusive men, and use drugs. She’s put her sister in some tight spots and things seem to just be getting worse between the two of them in the newest season.

Fans aren’t very forgiving when it comes to Kim Rollins and her behavior. She’s treated her sister Amanda terribly and even stole everything out of her apartment at one point leaving basically just bare walls.

What do fans think of Amanda’s sister Kim?

Rollins coming home after a long day, looking to kick back – only to find her father… @JamesPMorrison a.k.a. Jim Rollins, who informs her he is getting remarried to a sister she never knew she had – cause the third times a charm. What do you think, Amanda? pic.twitter.com/Hyxbod4Osy

— SVU Writers Room (@SVUWritersRoom) February 28, 2020

A lot of fans of SVU don’t seem to be too fond of Amanda’s sister, Kim. She’s described as “annoying” and “stresses” some fans out. She’s definitely an unforgettable character on the series one way or the other.

“One more episode with her and I’m boycotting. She’s such a nightmare it just stresses me out. I can’t even enjoy the show,” a Reddit user explained.

One fan of the series thinks Rollins can’t deal when it comes to her family, especially her sister. She doesn’t know how to just cut her out of her life, and it can be hard with family.

“Amanda is supposed to be this smart woman, but she loses all sense with her sister. Everything her sister does = bad,” someone explained.

Some fans think the entire thing with Kim is “outplayed.” It seems to be the same old song and dance every time now and fans are getting tired of it to the point where they don’t want to watch anymore.

“I really think her sister and just their overall story is outplayed,” a Reddit user wrote. “It was cool when Kim came in and cleaned out her apartment but after that, the flute episode, and now this? I’m not trying to watch it.”

It would be “less fun” if Kim weren’t around

Another fan of the series thinks Kim brings a different vibe to things and it would make Amanda “less fun” if Kim wasn’t around.

“Rollins’ personal life has always been and I think always will be a grand disaster-piece. She’d be a lot less fun without her supporting cast of even crazier people,” a Reddit user suggested.

People are tired of Rollins just dealing with her family every time and not putting her foot down with them. “I’m just tired of Amanda giving into her wreck of a family. It happens every time and we always know it’ll go south,” they explained.

One fan thinks the whole thing is “played-out” and the show needs to move on from it. “It’s such a played-out storyline. We all know she’s not gonna improve,” the Reddit user said. “Her coming back with a baby was an irrelevant add point to her story. It didn’t make her more interesting. The only reason I would want another episode with her would be for them to kill her off.”

Fans of SVU overwhelmingly dislike Kim Rollins, Det. Rollins’ sister on the series.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-05-08