
Bizarre Ellen conspiracy theory takes over internet in wake of Stephen Boss Twitch and Anne Heche de

The late Stephen tWitch Boss, a choreographer, DJ, and co-host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, sadly passed away on Tuesday, December 13. The talk show regular shockingly died by suicide. Since his death, several conspiracy theories surrounding his and Anne Heche's death have gone viral online.

DJ Stephen tWitch Boss reportedly shot himself dead in a Los Angeles hotel. The police also confirmed that there were no signs of "foul play" in his death. Confirming his demise, his wife, Allison Holker, said in a statement to People magazine:

“It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to share my husband Stephen has left us. Stephen lit up every room he stepped into. He valued family, friends and community above all else and leading with love and light was everything to him. He was the backbone of our family, the best husband and father, and an inspiration to his fans.”

Actor Anne Heche, Ellen DeGeneres' ex-girlfriend, passed away in August after a devastating car crash in Los Angeles. It was also reported that drugs were present in her system at the time of her death.

Conspiracy theories relating Anne Heche's and Twitch's death to Ellen DeGeneres explored

Several netizens found it strange that two acquaintances of the talk-show host passed away in the same year. Many pointed fingers towards Ellen DeGeneres being behind their deaths, despite autopsies stating otherwise. Some even claimed that Ellen DeGeneres and the Illuminati were behind the late dancer's death.

Since Anne Heche also knew DeGeneres from their three-year-long relationship, many speculated that the latter had something to do with the Six Days, Seven Nights actress' death as well.

Despite these tweets, it seems like the 64-year-old media personality and tWitch were on good terms. While DeGeneres faced immense backlash for allegedly creating a toxic workplace on her show, the late DJ-dancer seemingly showed support.

Speaking about the issue, he stated in a 2020 interview:

“Obviously there’s some things to address, but from my standpoint there’s been love.”

As speculation of DeGeneres having a role in tWitch's death surfaced online, some netizens slammed the conspirators. Many criticized them for showing no "empathy" towards the late dancer's unexpected death.

Others wished netizens would encourage a conversation about mental health awareness rather than conspiring about him being murdered or sacrificed.

Conspiracy theories about Anne Heche's death explored

Shortly after her death, a Twitter user claimed that Heche died in a fiery car crash because she was working on a movie about Jeffrey Epstein's s*x trafficking ring. Netizens opined that she was murdered to cover up the truth about the billionaire who died by suicide in prison.

Another conspiracy theory went viral on QAnon about Heche's death. Influencer Liz Crokin claimed that Heche, who had publicly supported Johnny Depp in his defamation trial against his ex-wife and actress Amber Heard, was deliberately killed. Crokin claimed that she may have had crucial insider knowledge about Heard.

However, since neither of these conspiracy theories have any evidence to back them up correctly, it would be wrong to believe them.

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Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-04